A blog for the work-at-home professional by a work-at-home professional.

Starting an Online Business: When Will You Find the Time?

Image Credit: Morgue File "I don't have the time" seems to be the most well-worn excuse in the world.  If this excuse were a shirt, it would be faded and badly frayed at the seams.  In fact, I'm ashamed to say that this was once my favorite...

Fiverr: A Fun Way to Make Money Online!

Fiverr is a site where you can offer services or products for a flat rate of $5. It is open to everybody around the world.  Every offer is called a "gig."  You can offer services like writing, transcription, logo design, Wordpress...

Finally, I Have Updated My Blog!

It's been more than a year since the last time I posted an entry. I had been too busy to update my blog, but I have decided to make time for this project. I want to help people who want to earn a full-time income in the comfort of their homes. So what...

Writing for Money? Try Constant Content!

I'm very excited because I've been writing for money these past few months and this is the first time I've actually earned from writing efforts.  Somebody bought my article from Constant Content! Yipee! I've been thinking of offering my services...

Internet Marketing: How Do You Make Money from Scratch?

When you have zero capital and you want to take a shot at Internet marketing, what is the best way to start?  Any experienced Internet marketer would tell you that article marketing is the best business model for a beginner to follow.  It requires...

Why I Don't Like PTCs

Paid-to-click sites (PTCs) are sites that offer to pay its users for clicking and viewing advertisements.  These sites are very attractive because all the users have to do is click the advertisements and they get paid.  They are also paid...

Bogus Work-at-Home Jobs: How to Avoid Getting Scammed

The advent of the Internet has made it possible for quite a number of work-at-home jobs to exist.  With the convenience and other advantages that work-at-home jobs have to offer, many seek to work in the comfort of their homes.  However, there...